Radio Appearances Next Week...HBO On Demand RIGHT NOW!

So I'll be appearing on two radio shows next week to discuss Osvaldo's. The first one will be the Victor Cruz Morning show on urban latino radio which is an internet radio station that is blowing up. I was with Victor last summer to discuss our films, the festival scene and a whole bunch of other topics. Victor is a great guy and a great actor. The second show will be an interview with my man Spike Spillberg on his blog talk radio show. Spike and I met down in Miami last summer at the American Black Film Festival. When I confirm the dates and times I will post them on here for you guys to check out. And I didn't know this until last night but Osvaldo's is officially available on HBO On Demand! Just go to HBO movies, click on ALL MOVIES and then find Osvaldo's on the list. Let me know what you think of the film.